Mod 3 Cozy Corner - Black Sapphire | Ambient Lounge® - Europe

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Black Sapphire

879,00 €

What to do with that compact corner in the apartment? How to utilize small space efficiently on a budget? How to have luxury furniture that I can move around with ease?

The answer just may be to get a modular Cozy Corner by Ambient Lounge®.

Soft, structured bean bag furniture can revolutionise your space and immerse you in luxury.

As many urban-dwellers cram into inner city living and the cost of housing rises like a fiscal Tsunami – we are challenged to live in smaller spaces. However, having smaller spaces doesn't mean we need to accept smaller comforts. With the Cozy corner soft modular sofa, there’s no need to sacrifice lifestyle and quality of living (room).

Smart apartment and homes can get a quilted cozy corner 3 piece set in our beautiful interior fabrics.

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